
Corso 2 CFU  

12/13/15/19/20/22 maggio 2014 - Dipartimento di Architettura

Visiting Instructors: Brian Muller and Daryoosh Ardalan
University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado, USA


This course provides an introduction to the principles, practices and technologies of Geodesign. The focus is on methods for organizing and interpreting qualitative, street-level information in digital map formats. Two types of methods will be explored:

- collection and compilation of social, environmental, behavioral and design information in spatial frameworks,

- assembly and analysis of qualitative spatial data for use in design and planning processes.

The class will rely on both open source and proprietary technologies (e.g., Open Street, Google Maps and Google Earth, QGIS, and social media packages such as Mind Mixer) as well as ArcGIS. As opportunity permits, analytical geodesign tools such as CityEngine will be introduced.

One or two case study sites in the Naples region will be analized. Useful skills: Some knowledge of ArcGIS and GIS principles will be useful although not required.


Lectures will be in English.

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